About Us

The Four Seasons Wealth Management team operates according to a holistic perspective and advanced management and investment methodologies, relying on vast knowledge and experience. These tools and skills allow it to face rapidly changing market conditions in an informed and responsible manner and tailor its investment strategies to each client’s financial profile.

The ability to break down complex financial needs and requirements to formulate a detailed, long-term work plan enables the team to address a range of risk tolerance parameters, liquidity needs, scopes of investment, tax concerns, goal functions, and other client-specific characteristics. 

We take a meticulous and uncompromising approach to managing our clients’ wealth, while allowing for complete autonomy in exploring the available opportunities and alternatives in the market, coordinating with leading investment managers in Israel and abroad, and examining every financial aspect in service of our clients’ interests. We base our work on values of integrity, objectivity, commitment, and loyalty, resulting in a strong business ethic and the highest standards of service and professionalism in the field.