The driving force behind Four Seasons Wealth Management is its human capital, which boasts a stellar reputation and extensive experience in private banking and wealth management for Israel’s wealthiest populations.

Four Seasons wealth managers harness their knowledge and skills to provide to their clients the highest standards of service and professionalism in the field. This is evident from as early as the intake stage, when the client is welcomed by a senior manager who serves as their point of contact and manages their activities – from maintaining their investment portfolio to handling all logistic, operational, and bureaucratic aspects, and more. The investment manager is the single contact for all the client’s needs throughout the process. 

Our wealth managers specialize in a wide range of solutions that balance between what the client wants – and what they need. This is the product of a meticulous and uncompromising approach to recruiting and selecting our human capital in a way that guarantees unparalleled levels of service and professionalism. 

Your partners in investment, your partners in success.

Senior Management Team

Robert Carmeli

Robert Carmeli

Chief Investment Officer

Oshri Waknin

Oshri Waknin

Platinum Department Manager

brings a wealth of experience, spanning many years in both local and global investment management. In his previous roles, he served as the head of the Overseas Desk for "Active Portfolio Management" and as the head of the Overseas Desk at Migdal Capital Funds. Carmeli also has a track record of key roles in international financial institutions, including a stint at the New York branch of Deutsche Bank. He's licensed to provide investment advice by the Securities Authority and held investment management securities trading licenses in the US.

He holds an MBA degree with a specialization in finance and investments from the Zicklin School of Business at New York University.

boasts over 15 years of solid experience in the stock market and banking sector. He began his professional journey as an investment consultant at Bank Hapoalim and steadily climbed the ranks, eventually becoming a customer relationship manager for the Private Banking Division at Bank Hapoalim. In this role, he served as an advisor to high-net-worth clients in the Israeli market. Waknin is also licensed to provide investment advice by the Securities Authority.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in economics and management from Ben-Gurion University and a second-degree MBA with a specialization in finance and Chinese economics.