Full Disclosure

Pursuant to the provisions under Section 16a(a) (2) of the Regulation of Investment
Consulting, Investment Marketing and Investment Portfolio Management Law, ​
5755-1995, (the “Consulting Law”), Four Season Management and Wealth Ltd. ​
is respectfully bringing to your attention:

Four Seasons Wealth Management Ltd. holds a marketing license and engages in
investment marketing rather than investment consulting, as these terms are defined in
the Consulting Law.

Four Wealth Management Seasons Ltd. (the “Company”) is controlled by IBI. Investment
House Ltd. (“I.B.I. Investment House”) and belongs to the I.B.I. Group. (the “Investment
House”). Through the Group’s companies, the Investment House engages in a variety of
capital market activities, including investment portfolio management and investment
marketing, mutual fund management, securities execution services and stock exchange
member services, securities investment for itself and others, underwriting and
distribution services, investment fund management, and other activities in the capital
markets in Israel and abroad. I.B.I. Investment House is a public company traded on the
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.

The Company’s Affinity to Financial Assets
The Company has an affinity to the following financial assets, since they were issued or
managed by its related companies and/or since the Company or its related companies s
may receive a benefit in connection with the execution of a transaction in the said
financial assets or in connection with their continued holding1:
1 The specification is provided only for major companies which may be relevant to the service provided by
the Company.

The Company’s Affinity to Financial Assets

Four Wealth Management Seasons Ltd. (the “Company”) is controlled by IBI. Investment
House Ltd. (“I.B.I. Investment House”) and belongs to the I.B.I. Group. (the “Investment
House”). Through the Group’s companies, the Investment House engages in a variety of
capital market activities, including investment portfolio management and investment
marketing, mutual fund management, securities execution services and stock exchange
member services, securities investment for itself and others, underwriting and
distribution services, investment fund management, and other activities in the capital
markets in Israel and abroad. I.B.I. Investment House is a public company traded on the
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.

The Company has an affinity to the following financial assets, since they were issued or
managed by its related companies and/or since the Company or its related companies s
may receive a benefit in connection with the execution of a transaction in the said
financial assets or in connection with their continued holding1: ____________________________________________________________

1 The specification is provided only for major companies which may be relevant to the service provided by
the Company.

  • Mutual fund – mutual funds managed by I.B.I. Management of funds are detailed and updated from time to time on the Investment House’s website at: www.ibi.co.il.
  • Investment funds – which meet the definition of a “foreign fund”, was such term is defined in the Consulting Law and the Joint Investment Trust Law, 5754-1994 managed by I.B.I. Investment House listed and updated periodically on the investment house website at: www.ibi.co.il. Various types of structured products that are issued by the specified financial entities and are updated from time to time on the Investment House’s website at: www.ibi.co.il.
  • Various types of structured products that are issued by the specified financial entities and are  updated from time to time on the Investment House’s website at: www.ibi.co.il. 
  • TASE member – The Company is a company related to Stock Exchange Services and Investments in Israel I.B.I. Ltd. (“Stock Exchange Services”), which serves as a broker and as a TASE member.
  • The Company is a related company r of CFX Market Ltd., which engages in brokerage and conversion activities in relation to foreign currency trading for qualified customers through an e-commerce system.
  • The company is affiliated with I.B.I. Poalim Management and Underwriting Ltd., which provides through a subsidiary, underwriting, distribution and advisory services for issuances (“Poalim I.B.I.”).
  • The Company is a related company of Four Seasons Pension Insurance Agency Ltd., holds a corporate agent license which markets various financial assets ​(“Four Seasons”)..
  • The list of entities whose products are marketed by Four Seasons is detailed and updated periodically on the Four Seasons website at: www.fsfp.co.il.
  • In addition, the Company also has an affinity with the assets of the following entities as it receives commissions and/or other benefits from the issuers in connection with the execution of a transaction in their products or their continued holding:
  1. BSP Israel- BSP
  2. Nutrimenta (Singapore) Pte. Pvt Ltd
  3. Pagaya Auto Loans Manager Ltd
  4. Pagaya MDP Manager Ltd
  5. Pagaya Opportunity Manager Ltd
  6. Pagaya RE Management GP LLC
  7. PI Opportunities Ltd
  8. Ayalon Insurance Company Ltd.
  9. Impact Investment Portfolio Management Ltd.
  10. Altshuler Provident and Pension Funds Ltd.
  11. Altshuler Shaham Owl Hedge Ltd.
  12. Altshuler Shaham Investment Portfolio Management Ltd.
  13. Altshuler Shaham Properties Ltd.
  14. Alpha Beta Hedge Fund Management Ltd.
  15. Alpha Long Bayas G.P.Ltd.- Alpha Foundation
  16. Analyst Portfolio Management Ltd.
  17. Analyst Provident Funds Ltd.
  18. Excellence Alternative Products Ltd
  19. Excellence Investment and Securities Management Ltd.
  20. Excellence Nessuah Provident and Pension Ltd.
  21. Expedition Capital Ltd
  22. Expo Management Ltd
  23. B.T.B. Linking Loans in Israel Ltd.
  24. Blue Urca Long J.P. Ltd.
  25. Blender P2P Ltd.
  26. Granite MSILtd.
  27. Hachshara Insurance Company Ltd.
  28. Hellman Aldouby Social Loans Ltd.
  29. Hellman Aldouby Provident and Pension Funds Ltd.
  30. Phoenix Volio Urban Renewal General Partner Ltd
  31. Phoenix Insurance Company Ltd
  32. Phoenix Financial Technology Funds Ltd
  33. Harel Insurance Company Ltd.
  34. Harel Finance Alternative Real Estate
  35. Harel Finances Investment Management Ltd.
  36. Walthston Real Estate Ltd
  37. Talent Investment House Ltd.
  38. Tandem Capital Est Management Ltd
  39. Tandem Capital Investments Ltd.,
  40. Tarya P2P Ltd.
  41. Yellin Lapidot Ltd.
  42. Yellin Lapidot Provident Fund Management Ltd.
  43. Yellin Lapidot Investment Portfolio Management Ltd.
  44. Clal Insurance Company Ltd.
  45. Clal Pension and Provident Funds Ltd.
  46. Migdal Insurance Company Ltd.
  47. Migdal Investment Portfolio Management 1998 Ltd.
  48. Migdal Mutual Funds Ltd.
  49. Mor Investment House Portfolio Management Ltd.
  50. Meitav Dash Provident and Pension Ltd.
  51. Meitav Dash Investments
  52. Meitav Dash Portfolio Management Ltd.
  53. Focus Hedge Funds Ltd.
  54. Menorah Mivtachim Insurance Ltd
  55. Noked Investment Bonds Ltd.
  56. Noked Equity Investments Ltd
  57. Noked Global Investments Ltd
  58. Noked Global Management Ltd
  59. Netz Hedog Ltd.
  60. Pandit 2016 Ltd
  61. Point Farrow Investments Ltd.
  62. Psagot Insurance Company Ltd.
  63. Psagot Securities Ltd.
  64. Psagot Pension Funds Ltd
  65. Propound Investment House Ltd.
  66. Keren Tulip Capital G P Ltd
  67. Reading Capital Ltd
  68. Hedge Fund – Long Hatzavim
  69. BSP Multi – Strategy
  70. Reigo – Meitav Dash
  71. Harel HaMagan – USA
  72. Electra Hotels
  73. The Phoenix – Private Equity
  74. Harel CO-INVESTPE Real Estate
  75. Golden Bridge
  76. Pagaya Real Estate
  77. Altshuler Properties
  78. Pagaya Opportunities
  79. Phoenix Debt Real Estate
  80. &CDR
  81. Golden Tree Phoenix
  82. Leap Apollo Debt Solutions Due
  83. Carlyle Direct Lending
  84. Phoenix Pollen
  85. BSP Absolute Return
  86. Arion
  87. QUANTEX – Hedge Fund
  88. Pagaya Opportunities
  89. Apollo
  90. BasePoint
  91. GoldenTree
  92. BlackRock
  93. Fisher Investments
  94. schroders
  95. Neuberger Berman

The aforementioned affinity of the Company to certain financial assets, the Company
engages in investment marketing rather than investment consulting. The Company may
prefer to recommend to its clients to purchase financial assets to their investment
portfolio that it has an affinity to over financial assets managed by others, which are
similar in terms of suitability to the customer.

Full Disclosure 

Subsidiaries of the Investment House may, directly and indirectly, hold and act for
themselves, at any time, on securities and financial assets acquired, sold or held in
customer accounts.

It is clarified that the list of financial assets that the investment marketer has an affinity to may
change from time to time.