Terms of Use

1. Introduction 

  • Welcome to Four Seasons Wealth Management Ltd. website (hereinafter: the “Site”), which provides unique solutions in many financial areas for thousands of customers.
  • Four Seasons Wealth Management Ltd. (hereinafter: the “Company”) is a member of the I.B.I. Group- I.B.I. Group companies, which include I.B.I. Investment House Ltd. and/or Stock Exchange Services and Investments in Israel I.B. I. Ltd. and/or I. B. I. Amban Investment Management Ltd. and/or IBI Mutual Fund Management (1978) Ltd. and/or Poalim I. B. I. Management and Underwriting Ltd. and/or Poalim I. B. I. —
  • The following Terms of Use apply only to use of the Site. However, the term “Site” refers to the Site in all its parts and any type of content on the Site, including all information and content contained in the Site, whether visor not disclosed to the users. In addition, the term “Site” shall also refer to parts of the Site which are accessed through other addresses and similar domain names.
  • The Terms of Use apply to the use of the Site and its contents through any computer or other communication devices (such as, a smartphone, tablet, etc.). In addition, the Terms of Use apply to the use of the Site either through the Internet or through any other network or means of communication.
  • Use of the Site for any purpose whatsoever, including logging in and/or browsing for he purpose of using the Service, is subject to this document and the Privacy Policy, which together constitute a binding legal document between the User and the Company. Use of the Services shall be deemed to be acceptance by the User of all terms, conditions and notices contained herein. Therefore, by using the Site (including any content appearing on it, including use of the service), the user declares that he has read and understood the privacy policy documents and terms of use and agreed to their terms.
  • t is hereby clarified that the use of masculine language in the Terms of Use is made for convenience purposes only and shall not be deemed to impair and/or cause any discrimination.

3. Information security 

  • The Company attaches great importance to the protection of users’ privacy and the security of their information and invests considerable resources in protecting the information of its customers and users of the Site.
  • The Company attaches great importance to the protection of users’ privacy and the security of their information and invests considerable resources in protecting the information of its customers and users of the Site.
  • In certain cases, the Company may transfer the information to a third party subject to the provisions of the law and subject to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. It should be clarified that despite the Company’s means of identification and changes of caution, there may be various risks as part of the use of the Site, including, inter alia: viruses, worms, Trojan horses, software applications, penetration of databases, impersonation, errors, disclosure and/or change of information by someone who is not authorized to do so, etc. The Company and/or anyone acting on its behalf and/or any of its officers shall not be liable for any damage or loss and/or expense that may be incurred as a result of using the Site.
  • In any case, the Company or anyone acting on its behalf will not send you any request for your account details and password and such notice if sent will be fictitious and constitute a phishing attempt for misuse of your details.

4. User Obligations 

  • The user undertakes to make appropriate use of the Site and the information published on it, and not to perform any action that constitutes falsification, impersonation, misleading or fraud through the site or through it as well as towards the Company or anyone on its behalf.
  • The User undertakes not to upload, retrieve, broadcast, disseminate or publish information or other content that includes advertising of any kind, without the prior express permission of the Company.
  • The user undertakes not to make any commercial use of the information and content on the site, or any part thereof.
  • The User agrees that, without prejudice to any other right of the Company, in cases where the Company will fear that the User’s use is inconsistent with the provisions of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and/or any law, the Company may take any action it deems appropriate to protect its property and/or rights and the rights of other Users and, inter alia, prevent the User from accessing the Site and documenting and/or tracing the User’s use of the Site. It is also clarified that the Company may transmit details regarding the user’s identity and actions performed on the Site to third parties, including in the event that the third parties prove, to the Company’s satisfaction, that they are impaired by the user’s infringing activity.
  • The User shall be responsible for any use made while using his password, access code or authorization.
  • The User bears full responsibility towards the Company , and shall compensate and/or indemnify it upon its first demand for any damage, loss, loss, expense, demand and/or claim and/or claim that any third party shall have in connection with the provisions of this section.

5. Third Party Advertisements, Links and References on the Site: 

  • The Company or anyone acting on its behalf shall not be liable for any advertising content or other commercial information published on the Website. The publication on the site is not any recommendation and/or opinion or expression of opinion or encouragement or solicitation, on the part of the company and in fact any decision regarding the use of the financial content that the user will find on the site, will be made at the sole responsibility of the user.
  • Links and/or references to other websites and/or sources of information and/or entities and/or organizations and/ or other companies may appear on the Site (hereinafter: “Links”).
  • The Company does not undertake that all links found on the site will be valid and lead to an active website.
  • A particular link on the Site does not indicate that the content of the linked site is reliable, complete or up-to-date, and the Company shall bear no responsibility in connection therewith.
  • The Company will not be responsible for the content, data or visual elements to which the links lead and is not responsible for any result caused by their use or reliance on them.
  • Any engagement between the User and third parties to whom the links lead shall be made vis-à-vis those third parties only, under his responsibility and/or their responsibility alone, and the Company shall have no responsibility and/or obligation in connection with such engagement.
  • The Company may remove links that were previously included in the Site, or refrain from adding new links – all at its absolute discretion.
  • We encourage the user to carefully read the terms of use and privacy policy of those links.
  • Without derogating from the foregoing, the Company is not responsible for any damage – indirect or direct -caused to the user or his property as a result of the use or reliance on the information and content appearing on the sites to which he will reach through or through the use or link existing on the site and/or for the use or reliance on information and content published on the site by third parties.

6. Termination of Use and Indemnification: 

  • The Company may, at its discretion, terminate the activity of any user of the Site’s services, including by blocking an IP number, if he does not comply with the terms of this agreement.
  • If there is a breach by the user regarding these Terms of Use, the Company shall, at its discretion, be entitled to disclose its name and the details known to it in any legal proceeding, even if no judicial order is issued to do so.
  • The User shall indemnify the Company for any claim, claim and/or demand and/or damage and/or loss, loss of profit, payment or expense, including interest payments and reasonable fees to lawyers and court costs, which will be incurred by the Company and/or anyone acting on its behalf by the User as a result of the User not complying with the provisions of these Terms and/or violating any legal provisions and/or any third party rights, and/or as a result of details, information or files that the User has submitted for publication, and/or as a result of the User’s omissions, as expressed directly and/or indirectly.
  • The Company does not guarantee that the Site will not be closed and/or that the activity therein will not be temporarily or permanently terminated and reserves the right to close the Site and/or its activity at any time at its sole discretion.

7. Assignment of Rights and Obligations: 

  • Without prejudice to the foregoing, it is hereby agreed that the Company may assign its undertakings and endorse its rights, at any time under these Terms of Use, to a third party, at its sole discretion, including the transfer of all/most of its assets, by sale, merger, and/or otherwise, and the Site management may, when transferring the right to collect obligations from the User, provided that the rights of the User, under this Agreement, shall not be harmed by the mere transfer of ownership.
  • In such an instance, the details of the user held by the Site’s management will be transferred to the third party, who will receive the rights on the Site, and the user agrees to this in advance.

8. Miscellaneous

  • For the ongoing operation of the site and the collection of statistics, the Company may make use of technological tools including the storage of the IP address and the use of “cookies”, for further details please see the privacy policy.
  • Any information provided by the users of the Site will constitute consent by the user of the site to the Company’s Group and/or anyone on its behalf to use the details provided. The Company may, at its sole discretion, use the information stored for statistical processing, segmentation and marketing targeting, including direct mailing.
  • The Company reserves the right to change the Site, its structure, appearance, content, the scope of ervices provided therein or any other change, at its sole discretion. The User shall have no claim, claim and/or demand against the Company for making such changes and/or for malfunctions or direct or indirect damages that will occur due to the execution of the changes on the Company’s website, including cessation of the Site’s activity, whether temporarily or permanently.
  • The intellectual property rights on the site are owned by the Company. Except for the use of the Site for the provision of the service, it may not be used in any way, including copying, modifying, distributing, enabling others or making commercial use of it.
  • Please note that in the Company’s systems there is an automatic mechanism for registering and documenting all your actions or attempts to perform actions, and this by law, for information security and privacy protection purposes.
  • The information presented on the Site does not constitute legal advice and/or any other opinion and advice. Use of the information and content will be made at the discretion and responsibility of the user only.
  • The Group may be active in the types of securities and financial assets mentioned on the Site or may be reached through connectivity. The Group’s investment managers may operate in the securities or financial assets in both directions (by purchase and/or sale) from time to time.
  • Any information that relates to a particular security or financial asset whether published on the site or accessible through connectivity, does not constitute an offer or recommendation.
  • The aforementioned information on the site does not express any opinion on the companies surveyed in it or on the nature and conditions of the securities offered by those companies. The Group participates in public and/or private offerings and may participate in the offerings of companies for which information is published on the Website.
  • The information presented on the Site does not constitute advice/investment marketing and/or a substitute for personal advice that takes into account and is adapted to the needs and assets of each person by a qualified investment advisor and therefore, the service does not have any recommendation or opinion, and it does not replace the independent discretion of the user.
  • The Company hereby clarifies that the information contained in the Site is for general and informational purposes only and does not constitute any recommendation or solicitation to carry out transactions with the Group and/or with any other entity. Prior to making a transaction, investment or assuming any liability based on the information found on the Site or on linked sites, the Company suggests and recommends that the User consult a qualified professional consultant/marketer in the relevant field. In any case, the user agrees and is aware that any reliance on statements, expressions of position, advice or any other information presented on the site is done at the user’s discretion and sole responsibility.
  • The aforesaid on this site is not to be deemed an undertaking of the Company to obtain excess returns.
  • It is clarified and agreed that the use of the online services on the Site, in whole or in part, are operated by third parties who provide the Group with its information systems.
  • The User may choose to use some or all of the services offered on the Site. It is also possible that some of the services are not yet active and that these services will be made available to the user upon their activation.
  • Nothing in these Terms of Use shall derogate from the validity of any other agreement between the Group and the User.

9.Databases and Privacy Law

  • The information about the user will be kept in the Company’s secure databases, and/or for it by a party acting on its behalf, and may be used solely in accordance with these terms, above and below, including for the management, handling, operation and optimization of services provided or offered to me by the Company, which may be used for statistical analyses and direct mailing for the user on behalf of the Group companies in proposals for various financial products and/or services marketed by the Group companies by law.
  • The Company undertakes to comply with the provisions of the Privacy Protection Law, 5741-1981 (hereinafter: “the Privacy Protection Law”) including Chapter B of the Law (Protection of Privacy in Databases), the regulations promulgated by virtue of the Privacy Protection Law (Information Security) Regulations, 5777-2017 (“Information Security Regulations”), the guidelines of the Registrar of Relevant Databases, all as updated from time to time.
  • The Company undertakes that the information has been duly obtained and that it has received all the necessary approvals and consents according to the Group’s procedures and any law for the transfer of information for the purpose of its processing in its systems and/or third party systems operating on its behalf in Israel and/or abroad, and that the transfer of information to the Company and the use that will be made of it by the Company and/or by third parties on its behalf does not infringe on the privacy and/or other rights of the User.

10. Direct mailing 

  • The Company may also use the information from its databases for the following purposes: 
    • Marketing, advertising, promotion, contacting the user in any way including by way of direct mail in any means of communication that you deem appropriate, including in writing, in print, by telephone, by facsimile, in a computerized way or by any other means;
    • For the purposes of mailing management, encouraging loyalty, statistical analysis and research, conducting surveys and any other online use in connection with mailings;
    • For the purposes of mailing marketing and advertising material, including through “cookies”.
  • The user is aware that at any time he can withdraw this consent and request removal from a specific distribution list or in general, by contacting the Company’s customer relations center at Rachell@ IBI.co.il and/or through the un-subscribe mechanism sent to him.
  • The Company will not be considered as violating a commitment to privacy or violating a user’s privacy due to any information as defined in the Computers Law, 5755-1995, which will identify a user or be traced by another and which stems from the use of electronic means of communication in general and computer communication in particular.  
  • The Company will not disclose user information to third parties except in each of the cases listed in its privacy policy

11. Limitation of Liability 

  • The Service on the Site may be used as is. As such, there shall be no claim, suit or demand against the Company for features and manner of service, its capabilities, limitations or suitability to the user’s needs and requirements.
  • Communication networks, computers, servers and websites are exposed to attacks and hacking attempts by various parties. The Company takes a number of security measures to protect the privacy of the information entered by users, but the user should know that this cannot be completely guaranteed and there may be security breaches and intrusions into the information. The Company does not undertake that the services and information on the Website and on the servers that store the information will be completely immune from unauthorized access to the information stored in them. By subscribing to the mailing, the user releases the company and/or anyone on their behalf from liability for any damage caused to them and/or anyone on their behalf due to attacks, hacking attempts and penetration of such information and waives any claim and/or demand from the Company, for this reason.

12. Choice of Law and Jurisdiction 

  • The Terms of Use shall be governed by Israeli law only.
  • Any dispute regarding the Terms of Use will be reviewed in the courts of ​
  • Tel Aviv and they will have absolute jurisdiction to adjudicate these Terms. 
  • The service is not offered if it is not permitted by the law of the place of the user.